Blux what ?
Blux has been designed to fit modern, interactive and playful ways to control lights and stage props. It aims to make it easy and fast to create simple setups with few toys, while being able to expand to big and complex projects involving spatialization, live interaction, weird behaviours, scripting...
Seems cool, tell me more !
You can check the tutorials to better understand what and how you can use Blux for your projects.
I want it, and i want it now !!
Well, what are you waiting for ? Pick your favorite flavor and enjoy !
Also you will need to download and extract the object definitions, otherwise you won't be doing much...
Download the stable version, current version is : 1.2.0
Windows 64-bit Stable 1.2.0 Mac Intel Stable 1.2.0 Mac Silicon Stable 1.2.0 Linux 64-bit Stable 1.2.0 Raspberry Pi / armv8 Stable 1.2.0
Download the beta version, current version is :1.3.0b4
Windows 64-bit 1.3.0b4 Mac Intel 1.3.0b4 Mac Silicon 1.3.0b4 Linux 64-bit 1.3.0b4 Raspberry Pi / armv8 1.3.0b4
For those who want to test the latest features, this is the bleeding edge version, updated at each modifications. It's likely to be highly unstable !
Windows 64-bit Bleeding Edge Mac Intel Bleeding Edge Mac Silicon Bleeding Edge Linux 64-bit Bleeding Edge Raspberry Pi / armv8 Bleeding Edge
Having a problem with the latest version ? You can try and find an an older version here !

Blux is made with a lot of Love. But as you all know, love takes time, and time can be hard to find ! I chose not to make this software paying so everybody can enjoy it and feel free to create without any money constraint. This means that I rely on the good faith of users to pay for this project what they think is right for their use of it, and remember than even 1$/month (so 12$ a year) is really important to me, it shows support and gets me motivated to keep improving it !